Planning the Modular Home Floor Plan Based in Land Area

One of Two Story Modular Home Floor Plan in Michiganthe important things in modular construction is your land. You cannot plan or design a modular home floor plan if you do not understand the location and landscape of your land. For this reason, planning and designing your modular home must be correlated with your land area and its topography.

Choosing a Modular Home’s Site

Sometimes, as a home buyer, you have chosen a floor plan first before considering the land. Often this can bring issues, so it is advised that you must select or have your land assessed prior to planning the modular home floor plan.

When searching or buying for land, do not select the land with clay soil. Construction of foundation would be difficult and could shrink your modular home in the long run.

Topography of Land vs. Modular Home Floor Plan

Slopes are often found to be a challenge in modular construction. They can modify the standard floor plan and can make the construction longer. Clean up or excavation will be done to the land’s elevation or gradient to place a sturdy and solid foundation may cost you.

To prevent this, hire a trusted and experienced general contractor or home builder. Our experienced contractor in Jackson, Michigan makes planning, designing and building prefab homes possible.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Floor Plan

Tips to a Successful Planning and Designing of Modular Home Floor Plans

ModModular Home Floor Plansular home floor plans are durable homes that are completed faster and priced much lower than the traditional homes. You need to communicate your personalized preferences to the contractor to receive a fully customized home.

There are certain aspects you need to keep in mind when it comes to planning and designing the floor plans of your modular home. Some of the things that you must consider are as follows:

Budget for Modular Home Construction

Budget is one of the most important factors that you cannot afford to overlook while choosing a suitable floor plan for your modular home. Houses, which are big, will cost you more. So, you must make a calculative move before you end up spending everything you had saved over the years.

Size of your Modular Home

You must consider the size of your home while designing the floor plan. This will help you determine the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you will require in your home. You must also keep in mind the possibility of expansion of your home in the future while designing home floor plan.

Home Owner’s Lifestyle Preferences

While deciding floor plans for your modular home, you must also consider the lifestyle preferences. Think if you are the kind of person who loves gardening or cooking most of the times. Will you work from home or need a separate office space? Do you need a separate space for family gathering, so that you can watch movies together?

Irrespective of what your preferences are, you will certainly get plenty of options when you choose from the different modular home floor plans. Look for home floor designs that will be the most livable for your family. If any member of the family has mobility issues or for any older couple in your family, you can look for a ranch modular home design.

Comfort of the Family

Make sure to take into account comforts and discomforts of each of your family members. If you are the owner of the land, where you will bring up your home, shape and availability of total land area will have a profound impact on your home floor plans. You can choose from attractive modular home floor plans that look appealing from road and comfortably house all family members.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Floor Plan

Required Permits For Building a New Home

Watch this video to get more educated about the building process and learn the requirements for getting a building permit in Michigan.

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Click Here For PDF Outline of Requirements for Building Permit


There are many permits that are required before obtaining a building permit. While every area will vary some these are the main permits required in order to be able to get the building permit.

Well and Septic Permit
Driveway Permit
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit
Zoning Permit

Generally once these permits are obtained they will issue a building permit.


Permits Needed to Get Building Permit

(Cost vary for each county and township)

Well and Septic PermitIn order to get septic permit a site evaluation needs to be done. – Quite often this will have already been done, but if not it’s a cost to figure in.

Costs To Consider for the Site Evaluation (Perk Test):

  • Health Department

  • Excavator to have Backhoe to dig holes for perk

If in the city or where Water and Sewer is available then the tap fees will need to be paid and the paper work from them will need to be provided.

Driveway PermitNeed to make sure of clearance on road. Can’t have drive coming out on a hill where you don’t have proper site distance.

Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control PermitMost local SESC permitting agencies require a permit when the project involves an earth change activity within 500 feet of a lake or stream or when the project will disturb an area greater than one acre in size. However, some local SESC agencies require the permit regardless of size or location. Contact your local SESC agency.

  • “Earth change” means a human-made change in the natural cover or topography of land, including cut and fill activities, which may result in or contribute to soil erosion or sedimentation of the waters of the state. Earth change does not include the practice of plowing and tilling soil for the purpose of crop production.
  • An authorized public agency, approved by the MDEQ, pursuant to Part 91, is exempt from the requirement of obtaining a permit for an earth change but must notify the appropriate enforcing agency, in advance, of the earth change activity.

Page Explaining at:,4671,7-180-24786-245158–,00.html

Zoning Permit(Requires having the above permits)

Many townships have their own zoning ordinances and can vary with the area the property is located at.

  • Land division approval, if required.

  • Soil Erosion (Act 45 1) , if required.

  • If Drain Commissioner services are required, the Road Commission may refer the project.

  • Application filled out.

This should include a plot plan scaled with size and location of structures on the property Including distances to lot lines, streets, roads, and property lines.

  • Legal description of the property

  • Well and septic approval by the County Health Department.

  • Two copies of your plans – which should include:

    • Floor plan. Include all room sizes, door and window sizes, and location.

    • Specification Sheet or Cross-Section Drawing. Including size, type and quality (grade) of materials to be used. (Spec Sheet)

    • A drive way permit is required for new access.

Building PermitBasically Same as Zoning Permit along with your application, include the following:

  • Zoning approval by the local government in writing.

  • A permit fee shall be paid before a building permit can be issued.

  • DO NOT start construction until the building permit has been issued.

Click Here For PDF Outline of Requirements for Building Permit



For more information about Legendary Homes and to get floor plans and price sheets sign up at

Legendary Homes Inc
10197 S Meridian Rd
Clarklake MI 49234

Topic:  Requirements for Building Permit in Michigan

Are Custom Modular Home Floor Plans A Reality?

There are many manufacturers providing 100% custom designed modular home floor plansModular Home Floor Plans Jackson MI. Some of them don’t even offer pre- designed floor plans anymore. If you look at their photo galleries of completed custom modular homes you will be surprised that the floor plans can be modified to your taste or needs.

Common Modular Home Floor Plans Customization Options

Even the smallest factory will allow for some modular home customization. The most common customization options are the external siding, windows and flooring. For the external siding, you will probably have options including vinyl siding, aluminum siding and maybe even a brick exterior. Of course, if you choose brick that will probably be added after the home has been delivered to the construction site. The window placement can normally be adjusted and you can also choose what types of windows are used. You can usually pick the type of flooring, whether it is hardwood or carpeting. Even if you go with these minimal customization options don’t worry. Modular home providers usually have many different pre- designed homes for you to choose from. These are not cookie cutter mobile homes; these are attractive modular homes that are intended to blend in with stick-built homes.

The full customization capability has even started a new category in modular home construction, the modular mansions. Rich people like saving money and also being able to have their dream mansion built several months faster also helps convince them. Some modular home builders have started specializing in $1,000,000+ modular mansions. These custom mansions will use a hybrid of modular construction and stick-built construction to deliver the ultimate result in the fastest time.

100% Custom Designed Modular Homes

We fibbed a little when we said that 100% modular home customization is possible. When talking about customizing a modular home, there are some physical limitations. For example it is impossible for a modular home to have a 70 foot wide open space. The home does need to have load bearing walls that keep the roof above your head. These load bearing walls cannot be spaced that far apart. But other than extreme design requests everything can be accommodating by today’s custom modular home providers.

The manufacturers in Michigan that are offering 100% custom modular homes will let you change just about anything. You can change the number of floors in the home. You can change the placement of the walls. If you want a two story home with a brick exterior and have all the bedroom window designs installed – you can.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Floor Plan

Most Popular Modular Home Floor Plans in Adrian, Michigan

Ranch Style Modular Home in Jackson, MichiganWhen you are looking for modular home floor plans, you just need to check Legendary Homes Inc. Each floor plan delivers exciting benefits to potential home buyers. Most of them provide enough space for a growing family.

The following are some of the most popular floor plan of a modular home in Adrian, Michigan.

One Story

The most common modular home floor plan is the one story modular home. It is usually represented by the Rancher. The floor plan of a rancher is simple and easy to realize. The layout follows an asymmetrical rectangle with short roof. It is suitable in warm regions of the United States because its tiny roof can’t hold heavy accumulation of snow. But if those in the north or in colder areas are to have the rancher, they must add a steeper.

The rancher typically has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The kitchen and dining rooms are made available for their rightful place at the side of the house. The kitchen is actually the universal subject for customization. Some of the rough floor plans of one story prefab house can add other options such as the foyer, deck, porch and garage.

Two Story

Another modular floor plan is the two story layout. This floor plan is suitable for a growing family that has a limited land area.

A modular home plan with two stories has two distinct plans. Usually the ground floor and the upper floor are common to each other. The ground floor usually has the communal areas such as the kitchen, dining room and family room. On the other hand, the second level floor plan could add a playroom or a study room along with the common bedrooms and the master’s bedroom.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home

Why You Should Check the Energy Efficiency of a Modular Home Floor Plan

TModular Home Floor Plan MIhese days’ modular home owners and home buyers want properties that demand as little of their time in upkeep, and as little of their income in running and maintenance costs, as possible. No one wants to be spending money they don’t have to, so get up to speed on your home’s energy efficiency and get the benefits you are entitled to.

Check Energy Efficiency Rating of your Home

The American Building Department outlines the energy-efficiency requirements of building a new modular home, or modifications to existing modular homes, and the need to comply with under the National Construction Code for prefab homes. The HUD Code provides the official energy rating system that evaluates existing homes and new builds on their energy-efficiency. Each modular home in Adrian is built through the standards of HUD, so the energy efficiency rating is guaranteed to be of quality. Just ensure that you hire a valid modular home contractor.

Confirm Insulation of your Modular Home

Increasing your modular home’s thermal efficiency is simple. You can do that by installing insulated walls that reduces your energy, water and gas bills. An insulated modular home will not only cut your living costs, but a higher star rating is a real asset when selling your home.

Energy Efficient Modular Home is Solar

There is little doubt that installing solar in your prefab home will save you a significant amount of money in the long run, and it’s extremely beneficial for the environment.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Floor Plan

Mistakes in Modular Home Construction and Easy Ways to Avoid Them

In a modular home Modular Home Construction Jackson MIconstruction process, you cannot help but make mistakes. These pitfalls are usually minor ones and can be avoided by applying certain techniques.

Hiring a Wrong Modular Home Company

It is inevitable that you will work with the incorrect modular home company. Often this mistake is initiated by the immediate need of a home. You should not hire the first modular company you saw because you are ‘encouraged’ by their work and price. Be a wise home buyer. Search for three to five companies and compare their offers on modular home construction. The company with excellent credentials and bids diligently must be your choice.

Choosing a Contractor Based on Low Price Deal

Modular homes are not always constructed on lesser cost. Do not be afraid to ask what is included in the price. If the presented cost only includes the modular home, then you must price out the home preparation work. The entire modular home construction cost should also include the excavation, septic system, foundation, electrical, mechanical, permits, well, and other necessary prerequisites before you take delivery of your home. Review everything on the list so that your home will be built to the quality level you expect and includes all the necessary items to complete your project.

You Do Not Forsee the Landscaping Fees

Modular homes need to be installed on cleared lots. This requires homeowners to remove any grass, debris and trees before a module can be brought in. Not doing this beforehand can delay installation or cause construction crews to work overtime due to obstacles. Be smart and make informed decisions concerning the cost of landscaping vs. the extra cost of setting the home if you have not properly cleared the building lot. It will often be cheaper and more attractive to clear the land and then paying a landscaper to replace any lost grass and shrubbery.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Construction

The Bright Side of Energy Efficient Modular Home Construction in Jackson, Michigan

We alwaModular Home Construction Jackson MIys look forward to the bright side of everything, and modular home construction is included.

Modular construction is realized to give energy efficient homes to the people of Jackson, MI. It is a process by which many have invested. The building process of a modular home is controlled to meet efficiency standards and bring positive outlook to the modular market.

Legendary Homes Inc. of southern Michigan has become a premier home builder who continuously promotes and constructs energy efficient modular homes. The following benefits are offered by our efficient homes;

Energy Efficient Modular Home Design Conserves Energy

Each energy efficient modular homes offer a variety of beneficial features, and the first advantage to having one is enjoying the modular home design. Legendary Homes Inc. designs and builds high quality homes that reduce energy consumption. Solar panels and other heating and cooling techniques or advancements are installed with modular homes to meet the energy efficiency standards.

Efficient Modular Homes Reduce Utility Cost

Because of the controlled process and installed insulation, owners of modular homes in Jackson, MI enjoys with the lower monthly costs. The energy consumption each month is lower since heating and cooling techniques are placed with modular home construction.

Energy Efficient Modular Home Construction is Environment- Friendly

Environmentally minded individuals will be pleased to know that the method in which we build our homes minimizes building waste and utilizes sustainable construction materials. Pre-built components including trusses and pre-hung doors, allow a more efficient use of raw materials while oriented strand board used to sheathe roofs and walls, is an engineered wood product that comes from fast growth forests.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Construction

Modular Home Construction in Michigan Provide Big Cost Savings

The momeModular Home Construction Jackson MInt you hear modular home construction, you should think of cost savings. Michigan’s trusted home dealer offers a building process that does not only produce quality modular homes. The modular construction process also gives cost savings to its owners.

A modular home construction present huge cost savings through the following techniques;

Quality Control Throughout the Construction Process

Legendary Homes Inc. in Michigan makes sure that from the beginning of the construction process, a quality and controlled environment is practiced. Each step of the modular building process is meticulously done and inspected following the standards of HUD Code. With the controlled and quality practices executed in the construction process of a modular home, cost savings is attain by the owner.

Bulk Material Purchases

Modular home manufacturers are savvy individuals. They do not buy their materials in retail stores, instead they purchase in bulk. Materials bought in huge masses give more savings not only for the home owner but also for the manufacturers and contractors.

Use of Modern Technology

Because of the contemporary world, lesser force is needed in modular home construction. General contractors no longer hire interior designers or architects to devise the insides of the modular homes. This modern technology lowers the labor costs and thereby giving the home owner comfort from paying the labor fees.

Available Modular Home Floor Plan

With modular home construction, general contractors or home dealers have a ready- made floor plans to present. The available modular home floor plan for Michigan is set to answer the needs of people. It is preset to the standard layout wished by most in Jackson, Michigan. The floor plans create an easy avenue for general contractors and home owners as an architect is no longer needed in designing the floor plan, leaving no labor costs to be paid.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Construction

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Modular Home Construction in Jackson, Michigan

There are lots of Affordable Modular Home Construction in Jackson, Michiganmisconceptions in investing in modular home construction. Many say the prefab buildings are not as strong as the site- built house. Other profess that modular homes are not modifiable.

To enlighten us, let us go through the advantages and disadvantages of modular home construction in Jackson, Michigan;

There are lots of misconceptions in investing in modular home construction. Many say the prefab buildings are not as strong as the site- built house. Other profess that modular homes are not modifiable.

To enlighten us, let us go through the advantages and disadvantages of modular home construction in Jackson, Michigan;

Modular Home is High Quality

Building standards and vast improvements hone modular homes over the years. The quality of modular home construction and its finish products can be compared to traditional houses. Most of the time, modular homes have higher quality since the standards of construction process follows with innovation, safety, durability, and efficiency.

Modular Home Construction Costs Lesser

For manufacturers that offer standard modular home floor plans, the base price of a modular home typically includes construction, transportation of the modules to the final build site, and setting the home on its foundation. Buyers can tweak a builder’s preset plan — say, you want hardwood floors throughout the home instead of carpet — at additional cost.

It costs significantly less to build a modular home, which results in an instant appreciation when the modular home hits the market. Your home will be worth more the very moment you list it.

Modular Homes Do Not Depreciate in Value

Modular homes are a valuable purchase, and well worth investing in. People assume that modular homes depreciate in value, but this is one of many myths surrounding modular homes. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Just like site-build homes, modular homes can increase in value.

Modular Home Construction Completes Faster

Home modules are constructed and inspected in a factory, where weather won’t delay the process. The modules are then transported to the final building site. It takes about three days to fully assemble those components at the site. Additional site work such as electrical and plumbing hook-ups, driveway paving, final grading of the land and landscaping, and a host of inspections before a certificate of occupancy can be issued, can take several weeks.

Customization is Allowed

If you decide to invest in the bathroom or kitchen of your dreams, there’s nothing that would preclude the reconfiguration of a home simply because it’s a modular build. Prefab homeowners looking to remodel should let their contractor know early on that they have a modular home.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Construction

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