Legendary Homes Price Sheet Overview

Modular Home Prices

Hi, I’m Todd Rutledge, Builder/Owner for Legendary Homes located south of Jackson Michigan.  I would like to show you some “ball park” prices of what it costs to construct a modular home.

Sign up for floor plans and price sheets by clicking this link.  For my price sheets I show all the costs involved with the construction of a new home.  I itemize it down so you can see exactly where the costs are going.  I do this to be upfront with you so you can see what costs there will be with doing a modular home and with the “on site” costs.

Keep in mind if you are looking at a bigger floor plan then it’s likely going to cost more then the price I show (unless you go with a different series).  If you go smaller then it’s likely going to cost less.  There are many factors on if your home will cost the same as the price sheet shows.  This gives you a general idea and we can get more accurate costs together once we know more of what you want priced.

Location can be a big factor.  If you are farther away then some costs could run more.  It really depends on if it’s going to be the same subcontractor that will be doing the job.  Everyone’s costs vary and not all of them include the same things as others.  This price sheet is met to give you a general idea of what costs there will be and then once you pick out a floor plan and give more information of what you want priced in we can do a price sheet for your specific home.

Watch this video for a description of our price sheets overview.

You can also view this video by going to http://youtu.be/ppE06R3HgTg


The first page is the base price of the modular home and showing what options are included.  On the second page it shows the “on site” cost.

Some time people ask how much per square foot is our homes?  I don’t like saying how much it is per sq ft.  Go here to see what I say about sq ft prices!


For more information go to legendaryhomesinc.com/blog

Legendary Homes Inc
10197 S Meridian Rd
Clarklake MI 49234

Topic:  Modular Home Price Overview

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Mon through Fri 9:30 am to 5 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 2 pm.

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Please call, text or email Todd to set up a time to meet 517-206-2435

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