Vital Parts of the Modular Home Basement
Considered to be the most preferred type of modular home foundation, modular home basement has gained itself certain evolutions and popularity. Some even claim that they prefer basement over any other foundations for any type of dwelling. Basements have been noted to bring a number of benefits such as extending the square footage of the modular home. It is also built to support the home.
Modular home owners built their basements to have new space for living areas such as recreation rooms or extra bedrooms. They also see the modular home basement as a protection whenever there are tornadoes and other storms. From a financial stand point, using a basement as the modular home foundation may add value to the property.
Just so everyone thought modular home basement consists of many vital features that serve their distinct roles to make a quality and sturdy basement. Footers and runners are among those features of basements that provide additional support to the modular home.
Modular Home Basement: Footers
A footer is usually found in the construction of modular home basements. Experts say that it is a pre- foundation tool of the basement as the creation of a footer is usually the first step of completing a foundation. Footer also supports the structure of the modular home as it is built following the home’s dimension.
Footers are shallow ditch that is consist with poured concrete. The ditch then serves as a underpin for the blocks or slab foundation.
Modular Home Basement: Runners
In modular home basement construction, runners and footers serve the same purpose. The only difference of runners is having a vertical or horizontal trenches rather than having a perimeter. The trenches hold a wooden frame that is sunk, covered, and then leveled with concrete. However runners are not usually utilized because it is expensive and eats more construction time.
Additionally, a modular home on a basement is usually installed using a crane and hiring one and a crane operator is expensive, which can supercharge the cost of building a modular home foundation. Its building process and quality will also be checked if they conform with the building codes. Basements can be installed to single wide to triple wide modular homes.
In case you still have question about the type of modular home foundations, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.