What Type of Foundation Suits Modular Home Construction in Jackson, Michigan?

Choosing a foundation for your moModular Home For Sale in Jackson, Michigandular home in Jackson, Michigan should be done carefully. You will want to consider the price, construction time, and land when selecting a foundation. The foundation of home is necessary to support the considerable weight of the house and to provide a level surface in which to place the home. A strong, well-built foundation is essential for a sturdy and secure home. This is true whether you are building a traditional or modular home.

Slabs, basements, and crawl spaces are the three main foundation systems used for most houses. Each system has its own unique benefits that make it attractive to homebuilders and homebuyers. When choosing a foundation for your home, you should take time to consider each of your choices.

Concrete Slab as Modular Home Foundation

A concrete slab is simply a flat, concrete pad that is poured directly on the ground. It usually consists of three to five inches of concrete. Because it takes little labor, site preparation, or formwork, a slab is typically the easiest foundation to build. While it is ideal in warmer climates, it has issues in places where the ground freezes in the winter. The freezing may cause the slab to shift, which could be detrimental to the stability of your modular home. Slab foundations are the most affordable option as compared to crawl spaces and basements.

Basement Foundation for Modular Homes

Once a modular home is complete, it can be lifted by a crane and placed on a basement foundation. While a basement is more expensive than a slab, it is a good investment. Many homebuyers appreciate the added living space that can be used for a variety of purposes. Well-constructed basements are usually considered a positive selling point for most buyers. Using durable materials means that your basement will stay comfortable and dry, no matter what the weather is like outside. There are basement options for modular homes that are highly energy efficient. The strong walls are well insulated to maximize energy conservation and prevent unnecessary energy loss through the basement walls. Saving energy is good for your wallet as well as the environment.

Some modular home builders offer poured basement that are completely sealed and insulated from the outside environment. They are designed to protect the area from the elements, including damaging moisture.

Crawl Space for your Modular Home

A crawl space is the area between the ground and the bottom of a house. It is much lower than basement and usually does not allow enough room for an adult to stand upright. While it does not provide livable space like a basement, a crawl space provides support for the house, allowing it to get off of the ground. This is especially important in areas that have damp soil or are prone to termite infestations. With a crawl space, plumbing and ductwork is more easily serviced than with a slab.

In case you still have questions about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile, you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog.

 Topic: Modular Home Construction

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