Frequently Asked Questions about Well Drilling in a Modular Home Property

Some may consider the water well drilling services of a modular home company. This can be because of the number of benefits of having a well within the property that they have observed. And most of the home owners who wishes to drill a water well are sometimes wary that they asked a number of questions to the subcontractor.

The following are the frequently asked questions about drilling a water well for a modular home in Michigan;Modular Home Subcontractor and Drilling a Water Well

What are the benefits of drilling a well water within a modular home vs. other options?

Benefits of having a water well would be having a clean, tasteful and safe water supply, and big savings on monthly bills. Well water is also good for the health as it is naturally filtered of harmful bacteria and organisms. This means under normal conditions you do not need to add chlorine to the water to make it safe to drink, so any health risks associated with chlorine in the water are avoided.The difference in risk is that in a private water well system the burden is to keep the equipment sanitary so the naturally clean groundwater is not contaminated. In a public surface water based water system unsafe water is being treated to ensure that it is sanitary.

Is there any cost savings with a water well vs. city water or other options?

Yes there can be significant savings in drilling a well within the modular home property though the initial cost of a water well for a residence ranges between $4,400 & $10,000. The cost of drilling a well also depends on the depth of the well and size of the pumping system.

How do I know which kind of well is right for my modular home?

Ask neighbors and locals from the surrounding area who the most trustworthy local well drillers are. No one is going to know more about local water conditions than a local contractor whose family has drilled in your area for years. After getting drilling contractor referrals ask your potential contractor if they are members of the Michigan Ground Water Association and/or the National Ground Water Association. This will let you know that the well drilling contractor is concerned about conducting business in a professional manner, they are interested in learning all they can about groundwater, and they have an interest in preserving and protecting our precious ground water.

How long does it take to install a well for my modular home?

Generally a new well can be drilled, installed into the modular home within 1 to 4 days for uses other than drinking. Within an additional 24 to 36 hours water test results will be available from the laboratory certifying that the water is safe for drinking.

What maintenance is involved with a well for a modular home?

Maintenance for a well inside a modular home property is similar to the stick built home well. To start with, most recommend getting your water tested initially for bacteria and nitrates when you purchase a modular home. We also recommend having a mechanical inspection of your well system at least every 5 years. It’s better to correct a small problem before it becomes an expensive problem or health risk to your family.

How do I know my well water is safe?

This is a question all water users should be concerned with and we recommend all groundwater users do some research on their own to answer. The groundwater in Michigan is generally very safe and offers benefits that many municipal water systems cannot offer. There are some exceptions and you need to talk to Legendary Homes Inc. and your county health department to verify if you are located in an area that has groundwater issues.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home

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