Myths and Facts About Modular Homes

Whatever the conflict that materializes between myths and facts about modular homes should be discussed to determine what is right and what is wrong. Myths or misconceptions about the most common prefab home should be busted with the true basis. As a means to educate a potential home owner, students who want to study modular homes and dealers who wish to pass factual information to others, it is just to share what are the common myths about modular homes and the truth about them.

MYTH: Modular homes are not a good investment as the site-built or stick-built homes.

Modular HomesFACT: This is not so. Studies revealed that the determining factor of appreciation is the location and maintenance of both types of homes was their location. Modular homes are now built using advanced technology that performs and conforms to the state building codes, which then give an assurance that it is a good investment.

MYTH: Modular homes are inexpensive because they didn’t meet the same construction standards and pass the same inspections as site-built homes.

FACT: Today modular homes are built to a higher quality than the average site-built home. Many modular homes now use insulated precast foundation than a site-built home. Many of the components used in a modular home are the same as those found in site-built homes. Both modular homes and site-built homes use the same windows, doors, roof truss systems, siding and more.

MYTH: All Modular homes look the same.

TRUTH: Not anymore. Many modular homes are built with customization options added, that make them fit right in the neighborhood they are in. There are hundreds of floor plans available, many types of models such as ranch styles, Cape Cods, and two- story style to keep the design more exquisite than the conventional homes. Modular homes can be customized into the home owner’s liking which realize the picture your dream home.

MYTH: Modular homes don’t provide financing.

FACT: Most modular homes come with financing options. Many home dealers provide assistance to potential owners in getting a construction loan from partners. This loan is provided by banks or lending institutions at a low interest and downpayment program. Asking a home dealer about modular home financing will calm your doubts about not having your dream home built.

MYTH: Insulation in today’s modular home is poor compared to site-built houses.

FACT: Modular homes commonly have insulation with R-values, which makes it have a good insulation. The higher the number, the better the insulation of the modular home. So see to it that a modular home builder provides a high R- value to the foundations of your project.

MYTH: Modular homes are not attractive.

FACT: With the different designs and styles, modular homes are now equipped with its unique beauty. There’s a spacious, stylish and beautiful modular home for every taste, budget and lifestyle. Whatever you want in your home, you can have it in a modular home for customization is one of the benefits of building it.

Whatever false information about modular homes should be clarified for every home owner deserves to have a superior quality home. The next step you need to do is to find a suitable location for your home and to look for an excellent and experienced home builder.

“With its superior quality, energy efficiency, strong and budget friendly modular homes, Legendary Homes is one of the trusted modular home builders around Clarklake and Jackson Michigan for over 20 years of experience now. Legendary Homes helps in site location, acquisition of permits, excavation, foundation (including Insulated Pre-Cast Foundations), landscaping, breeze ways and other services needed to complete your home. As a company that prioritizes its customers, Legendary Homes allows you to customize your home. And most importantly, we assist in modular homes financing by working with the top lenders in Michigan.”

It’s amazing news to start building your dream home, right?  “We can make your dreams a reality!”

Topic: Modular Homes

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