Modular Home Construction: Steps in Drilling a Well within the Property

All water well within the modular home must be constructed in accordance with the minimum construction requirements for water wells in Michigan. Water wells in artesian basins must also comply with the minimum standards for the construction and reconditioning of water bores in Jackson, Michigan.

Modular Home and Water Well DrillingIn general, you should be guided by your drilling subcontractor when it comes to the best means of constructing the bore. However, there are some important details that should be considered before drilling commences.

Well casing should be of suitable material and strength. Most modular home subcontractors use high quality material in drilling a well to prevent collapse of the hole. When the water well within the modular home property does not pump fine particles or sand; ater entry via open hole conditions should be considered only when the stratum is known to be very stable. And lastly, the well casing should be large enough to accommodate the proposed pump.

Drill the well away from any potential contaminants in the Modular Home Property

Animal feedlots, buried fuel tanks, waste disposal and septic systems can all pollute groundwater. Wells should be drilled in places where they can easily be reached for maintenance, and located at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) from modular home sites.

Choose the Appropriate Construction Method

Most wells are drilled out, but wells may also be dug or driven, if conditions warrant. Drilled wells may be bored with an auger or rotary tool, smashed out with a percussion cable or cut with high-pressure jets of water.

Legendary Homes Inc. uses state of the art method in drilling a water well within your modular home property. The method is ensured to follow and comply with the standard requirements of well drilling rules and regulations in Michigan.

Finish the Modular Home Water Well

Once the well is drilled, casing is inserted to prevent the water from wearing away and being contaminated by the sides of the well. This casing is usually narrower in diameter than the well hole itself and sealed in place with a grouting material, commonly either clay or concrete. Casing usually runs to a depth of at least 18 feet (5.5 meters) and may run the entire length of a well drilled in loose, sandy soils. Screens to filter out sand and gravel are inserted in the casing, then the well is capped with a sanitary seal and, unless the water is already under pressure, a pump is attached to bring the water to the surface.

On completion, the driller should provide you with a copy of the drill log form showing the details of depths, material penetrated, construction details and the supply obtained. It is recommended you keep a copy of any drilling records so bore details can be retrieved to diagnose any problems which may arise in the future. In all cases the driller is required to forward a copy of the drill log form to the department.


In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home


Modular Home Planning: How to Drill a Well within the Property

Thoroughly planned water well will provide lots benefits to your modular home. The well can give enough water supplies for the family. The well can also be an excellent source of huge savings. But how to you start with your water well drilling process?

Modular Home and Water Well DrillingThere are certain steps or techniques you need to consider when planning to drill a water well within your modular home property.

Cost of the Well within the Modular Home Property

Consider the costs and benefits of drilling a well in a modular home property against connecting to the city or town water source. Drilling a well involves a higher initial cost than connecting to a public water supply, as well as risks of not finding enough water or water of sufficient quality and ongoing costs to pump the water and maintain the well. However, some water districts may make residents wait years before they can be connected to a public supply, thus making well drilling a viable option where there is enough groundwater at a reasonable depth.

Location of the Well within the Modular Home Property

Know the specific location of the property where the well is to be drilled. You’ll need to know the section, township, range and quarters to access land and well records through your state’s geological survey.

If you wish to make sure the location of your well to be excellent, you can consult the geologic and topographic maps. Although less useful than well-drilling records, geologic maps can show the general location of aquifers, as well as the rock formations in an area. Topographic maps show the surface features and their elevations and can be used to plot well locations. Together, they can determine whether an area has sufficient groundwater to make drilling a well viable.

Find out What Previous Wells have been Drilled on the Modular Home Property

Geological survey records will record the depths of previous wells in the modular home property and whether or not they found water. You can access these records in person, by telephone or online. These records can help you determine the depth of the water table, as well as the location of any confined aquifers.

Ask People who Live near the Property

Many older wells have no documentation, and even if records exist, someone who lived nearby may remember how much water those wells produced.

Get assistance from a Modular Home Subcontractor

Your modular home subcontractor may be able to answer general questions and direct you to resources beyond those mentioned here. If you need more detailed information than what they can provide, you may need the services of a professional hydrologist.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home

Benefits of Drilling a Water Well in your Modular Home Property

Lots of advantages can be enjoyed when you drill a water well in your modular home property. These benefits are often concentrated on the free and clean water supply and huge cost savings. For a modular home owner, drilling a well within a property can also alleviate the value of the home.

Modular Home and Drilling a Water WellA water well is not only beneficial to the modular home, but it can also provide a number of reward to the environment.

Clean Water Supply for the Modular Home

A well gives a clean and safe water supply for its owner. The water from the ground is naturally hygienic and safe. It is not heavily treated with chemicals that most water well drinker say it taste better than the water that comes from the city or town water bank.

Health Benefits of a Water Well

Well water is known for its softer taste compared to water coming from the city water source. This is due to the fact that well water is filtered naturally and not treated with chlorine and other chemicals. Therefore many also say that well water feels more refreshing.

Large Savings for the Modular Home Owner

When using a well water, you are eligible to have huge savings in your utility bills. You will save the money for your monthly water usage bill for city or town water. Having a water well is a long-term investment that gives more savings. As a modular home owner with a water well, you are also good for several tax breaks.

Environmental Benefits of Water Well

Since well water is filtered naturally through underground sand and stone layers, it is much more eco-friendly. Water plant and water treatment facilities create chemical and industrial pollution due to their use of power and chemicals to treat water.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home

Frequently Asked Questions about Well Drilling in a Modular Home Property

Some may consider the water well drilling services of a modular home company. This can be because of the number of benefits of having a well within the property that they have observed. And most of the home owners who wishes to drill a water well are sometimes wary that they asked a number of questions to the subcontractor.

The following are the frequently asked questions about drilling a water well for a modular home in Michigan;Modular Home Subcontractor and Drilling a Water Well

What are the benefits of drilling a well water within a modular home vs. other options?

Benefits of having a water well would be having a clean, tasteful and safe water supply, and big savings on monthly bills. Well water is also good for the health as it is naturally filtered of harmful bacteria and organisms. This means under normal conditions you do not need to add chlorine to the water to make it safe to drink, so any health risks associated with chlorine in the water are avoided.The difference in risk is that in a private water well system the burden is to keep the equipment sanitary so the naturally clean groundwater is not contaminated. In a public surface water based water system unsafe water is being treated to ensure that it is sanitary.

Is there any cost savings with a water well vs. city water or other options?

Yes there can be significant savings in drilling a well within the modular home property though the initial cost of a water well for a residence ranges between $4,400 & $10,000. The cost of drilling a well also depends on the depth of the well and size of the pumping system.

How do I know which kind of well is right for my modular home?

Ask neighbors and locals from the surrounding area who the most trustworthy local well drillers are. No one is going to know more about local water conditions than a local contractor whose family has drilled in your area for years. After getting drilling contractor referrals ask your potential contractor if they are members of the Michigan Ground Water Association and/or the National Ground Water Association. This will let you know that the well drilling contractor is concerned about conducting business in a professional manner, they are interested in learning all they can about groundwater, and they have an interest in preserving and protecting our precious ground water.

How long does it take to install a well for my modular home?

Generally a new well can be drilled, installed into the modular home within 1 to 4 days for uses other than drinking. Within an additional 24 to 36 hours water test results will be available from the laboratory certifying that the water is safe for drinking.

What maintenance is involved with a well for a modular home?

Maintenance for a well inside a modular home property is similar to the stick built home well. To start with, most recommend getting your water tested initially for bacteria and nitrates when you purchase a modular home. We also recommend having a mechanical inspection of your well system at least every 5 years. It’s better to correct a small problem before it becomes an expensive problem or health risk to your family.

How do I know my well water is safe?

This is a question all water users should be concerned with and we recommend all groundwater users do some research on their own to answer. The groundwater in Michigan is generally very safe and offers benefits that many municipal water systems cannot offer. There are some exceptions and you need to talk to Legendary Homes Inc. and your county health department to verify if you are located in an area that has groundwater issues.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home

Top Modular Home Company Offering Water Drilling Services in Jackson, MI

In Jackson, MI, lots of well drilling companies are offering different services to modular home owners. These companies are often on top of their industry that home owners requiring or wishing to have a water well within their property seek for them. And shopping for an excellent company or finding the right company to drill a well in your modular home property is usually tedious.

Modular Home and Water Well DrillingShopping for well drilling companies can be awe- inspiring for first time home owners. The first thing to do when in this situation is to work some research. Do research on what companies are located in your neighborhood to save time and money. Look also for suggestions on how to locate a modular home subcontractor who offers well drilling services. To make your search easier, experts and home owners suggest few tips and techniques on how to find the top modular home company that provides well drilling options to its clients.

Experience of a Modular Home Contractor

When looking for a modular home subcontractor you need to look at his experience. Is he eligible to provide the well drilling service? What were the reviews or comments of previous customers about his work? Does he has a good reputation in modular home construction over the years? All these questions can help determine how excellent is the expertise of the contractor.

Quality of Work

The quality of work of a modular home company is gauged by the results of what he and his team had done. In drilling a well, a home owner must evaluate the process of how he works, what are the equipments used and what are the methods he had incorporated to produce a water well within the property.

A modular home company will always provide quality products because each company follows the building codes for modular homes. And this should be observed or sought by a home owner when looking for a well drilling company.

Cost of Drilling a Well

It is expected that the initial cost of drilling a well is higher than connecting to a water source. But if you wish to have a company drill a well in your property, be aware of the cost or fee they are asking. Inquire what are included in the cost and also ask for the license of the contractor to prevent untoward problems during the construction process later on.

Looking for a modular home company that offers water drilling services one can be overwhelming. This is because of the fact that there are few modular home contractors who proffer the well drilling service. Luckily in Jackson, Legendary Homes Inc is providing a well drilling option to its customers.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home



Ways to Maintain the Water Well of a Modular Home

Proper construction and maintenance of the water well of a modular home will help provide a safe and clean water. As a homeowner of the modular home, you need to check the cap or well casing regularly to make sure that it is securely in place and watertight. Joints, cracks and connections in the well casing should be sealed. Pumps and pipes should also be checked on a regular basis, and any changes in water quality should be investigated.Modular Home and Water Well Drilling

The following are general recommendations on how to maintain a water well situated within a modular home property.

Plan the Location of the Water Well within the Modular Home Property

As per state law, the well should at least 100 feet away from potential pollution sources and meets or exceeds all state minimum requirements for distance. The well is uphill from pollution sources, such as the septic tank and septic field. Surface water doesn’t reach or is diverted from the well.

Provide an Efficient Drainage for the Modular Home Water Well

Surface drainage should be directed away from the well casing, and surface water should not collect near the well. The well itself should not be located downhill from any source of pollution.

Keep the Modular Home Well’s Casing Close Properly

Well casing serves two purposes for the well of a modular home: it prevents collapse of the well boring during drilling and it helps prevent contaminants and gas from migrating into the well. Well owners should visually inspect the condition of their well casings for holes or cracks. Your modular home well should have a minimum of 20 feet of casing below the ground surface. The well casing should extend a minimum of four inches above ground surface and be fitted with a well cap or sanitary seal. Be sure the outside of the well casing is sealed at the ground surface or floor of the structure. This prevents pollutants from seeping into the well.

Listen for the sound of water trickling into the water well when the pump is not running. Running water means the well casing may be broken or corroded. To prevent contaminants from entering through the top of the well casing, a tight-fitting, tamper-resistant, vermin-proof well cap must be installed to prevent the entry of insects, small animals, surface water, and pollutants. All piping and electrical connections to the well casing or well cap should have watertight seals. All holes in the well cap or seal should be used or have a watertight plug.

Perform a Routine Water Well Disinfection

Well water should be tested for bacteriological quality regularly and for chemical contamination if it is suspected. In addition to regular tests, well water should be tested immediately if there is any change in its clarity, color, odor or taste, or if there has been a change in the surrounding land use. Through regular assessment and testing of drinking water, the microbial and chemical safety of your well water can be verified.

Routine well inspections during regular well disinfections allow problems with a well to be found early before those problems become serious. Repairs made early cost less and help protect your water source. Routine well disinfection is an inexpensive process that most well owners can do themselves for a few dollars and a couple of hours of work.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home

Do We Need a Permit when Drilling a Well in a Modular Home?

A permit is necessary when a water well near or within the modular home property is drilled. This follows the law that all Michigan counties should require a well permit to be obtained from the local health department before the well is drilled within the modular home property.

Modular Home and Water Well DrillingWell drilling subcontractors must be certain that a permit has been obtained. If the property owner obtained the permit the well driller should ask to see the permit before beginning the well. Permits contain important information about where the well must be placed on the property to avoid contamination sources. Minimum well depths due to recorded plat restrictions, minimum capacity, and other conditions are commonly noted on permits.

Requirements for Getting a Permit for the Modular Home Water Well

Zoning Laws

Check your local zoning laws before applying for a permit for your water well . Many cities do not allow private water wells to be dug on their city limits, while other cities may have many restrictions in place when drilling water wells. First talk to your local city administrator to find out if you’re legally able to build your own water well on your property.

Location of Water Well from the Septic Tank

To get a permit from the health department or the local building department, the subcontractor must see to it that the distance of the water well of a modular home from the septic tank is within the regulated measurement. This should be followed to ensure that the water well will not be contaminated.

Size of the Water Well

One of the first things to consider when getting a permit for the modular home well is the size of the drilling area as well as the recharge rate of the water in the area. The size includes the depth of the well which should be determined and presented to the permit giving body for evaluation. The size and depth shows how much space does the well occupy within your property. The recharge rate is the flow of water to your well, which is how much water will be left after you initially drill. A good area to drill is where you have a constant water recharge rate, where groundwater will immediately return to your well source after the initial water has been pumped.

Failure to comply with permit conditions can result in the need to redrill the well or in the revocation of the well drilling contractor’s Certificate of Registration. Be sure you comply with all local ordinances and permit conditions. Since ordinances differ from county-to-county it is wise to check with the local health department for specific requirements.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home


Hiring a Subcontractor for Water Well Drilling within the Modular Home Property

In Michigan, there are lots of subcontractors that can drill a water well within your modular home property. Each subcontractor possesses unique distinctions that often make them stand out from the others. Some offers state- of- the- art equipments and methods, while others provides an inexpensive and high quality water well drilling services.

Modular Home and Water Well Drilling

Modular Home Built in Michigan

Shopping for subcontractors for your modular home may be tedious but it is suggestive of a good turnaround. As a homeowner you would need to assess and evaluate the characteristics of each subcontractor for well drilling. The factors that could lead you to the final decision are as follows;

Compliance to the Law of Well Drilling and Modular Home Construction

The state well code contains minimum standards that must be followed when water wells are constructed, repaired or abandoned and when pumps and pumping equipment is installed. The code applies to all water wells regardless of whether the installation is performed by a registered contractor or the property owner. And if you have seen that the subcontractor complies with these codes, then he might be the right guy to drill your water well.

Supervision of Well Drilling for a Modular Home

The registered well drilling contractor is responsible for supervising the construction of water wells and the installation of pumps and pumping equipment in a modular home. The registered contractor must be involved in the day-to-day operation of the well drilling business and must supervise unregistered employees or partners. Direct field supervision is necessary for new employees or partners. Since the registrant is responsible for all well code violations committed by unregistered partners, officers, or employees of the firm, the registrant should have supervisory control over workers within the firm. DEQ advises that all eligible individuals within a well drilling firm obtain a Certificate of Registration.

Consumer Protection of Modular Home Owners

Another important state law that modular home well drilling subcontractors must comply with is the Michigan Consumer Protection Act. This law prohibits certain types of unfair or deceptive activities and practices in the conduct of business and trade. A trusted subcontractor must have the quality to uphold the law to ensure that he’s customers are given an utmost service.

In case you still have question about modular homes, you may contact Legendary Homes Inc in Jackson, Michigan. A representative will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile you can check our modular home price sheets by signing up to our blog

Topic: Modular Home

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